Category: Photography
Easy Steps to Getting the Best Baby Photographs
Location setting is easy. It is highly recommended that you use props that are meaningful to you. For example, your wedding ring, your veil and the gift you gave your partner for their wedding anniversary.Don’t forget that your main subject is your newborn baby. So we use props very subtly so as not to distract.
Determine the size of your newborn
The babies are perfect, but very small. It’s great if you can take a צילומי גיל שנה of your baby to reveal his/her size. Create a contrast for this. For example, you can take a picture of a baby rocking on its parent’s arm. You can also place the child next to the object so that the child’s perspective is open.
Baby’s Cooperation
There are 2 moments that work best when photographing a newborn:
When the newborn is relaxed and ready to cooperate
It is best if it is early in the morning when your baby is fed and bathed. By then, most babies will feel relaxed and cooperative – just what you need for newborn photography sessions.
Refrain from putting diapers or tight clothing on your baby before the photo shoot. This helps avoid indentations or marks on your baby’s soft skin. Babies can often look shiny in photos if baby oil or moisturizer is applied. Therefore, before the צילומי גיל שנה session, do not apply baby oil and moisturizer to the child.
When the newborn is fast asleep
Another great time to photograph babies is when they are fast asleep. Newborn babies in this position are easy to sculpt and pose. Feed him/her well and cuddle the baby until he/she is comfortable.
Check if the baby is fast asleep by gently taking his hand and gently letting it go. If the baby is twitching, you will know that the baby is not sleeping well. Therefore, the צילומי גיל שנה will not be so effective. But if the baby’s hand falls easily, it’s time for you to have a newborn photo session.
Print photos regularly
It is very important that you regularly print photos of your newborn baby. Now that we live in a digital world, we often forget to print those precious photos. If we notice this, these photos will be lost in virtual space.